Monday, August 29, 2011

Crime Desk: Patrol (3/3)

Pipes and ladders can be climbed when necessary to inspect a site on a case.
Make good use of that flashlight when investigating crime scenes at night. Vital clues may lay hidden in the dark.
Phelps and Dunn patrol the area on a bright Los Angeles afternoon.
When on patrol, always be at the ready for emergency report calls.
Trying to determine whether a handgun can be traced back to this gunshop owner’s store.


  1. Trying to determine whether a handgun can be traced back to this gunshop owner’s store.

    sure can! it was a rare one

    following and supporting

  2. hey man, i started palying this, but i am just swamped in work at the moment, the characters movements still look a bit puppety, BUT the face animations Ouuuuh they look so realistic o.o, its funny to try to pin down the culprits reading from their faces :D
